Nikon Imaging
プレミアム会員 ニコンイメージング会員

野口 健吾 写真展庵の人々 The Ten Foot Square Hut 2010-2019


2019年10月30日(水) 〜 2019年11月12日(火) 日曜休館


2019年11月21日(木) 〜 2019年12月 4日(水) 日曜休館




It has been almost 10 years since I started photographing those who reside in the little corner of the big cities. Through taking photographs, I witnessed a diversity of lifestyles and uniqueness that each space has, with which we rarely have contact in our ordinary daily life.
House. Hut. Bed. Blue poly tarp. Tent. It was confusing to label such living space with the terms that I know of, so I decided to call them “Iori,” which is a small temporary hut. Iori was home to monks or hermits in the old days and is often mentioned in Japanese poetry, Haiku, as a motif that illustrates simple living of Japanese.
As I became acquainted with more of these people and repeatedly photographed them and their Iori while building relationships, the image that I had for the words, “vagabond” and “homeless,” began to collapse.
Seasons and sceneries never stays the same. So too, it is with the world we live in today and bias that we subconsciously hold. Time. Environment. Freedom. Publicness. Existence. All thoughts and philosophies towards such issues appear in turns and starts drifting through my mind.
I have just started to realize that the way I perceive my ordinary daily life is slowly changing.

written by Kengo Noguchi


野口 健吾(ノグチ ケンゴ)

1984年 神奈川県生まれ。立教大学社会学部卒業、東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科修了
2016年 ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修員(インド)
2017年 吉野石膏美術振興財団在外研修員(アメリカ)

2016 「Your Life Is Not Your Own」黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター/神奈川
2016 「Family Affair」新宿ニコンサロン・大阪ニコンサロン/東京・大阪
2015 「Live Your Own Life」Bright Photo Salon/東京

2014 「Installation Studies」undo/東京
2013 「Portrait Jam:Humans,we are.」アキバタマビ 21/東京
2013 「HUMONIUM vo.2」オーディトリウム渋谷/東京
2012 「Guimarães nocnoc」plataforma das artes guimarães/ポルトガル
2012 「第7回 写真 1_WALL 展」ガーディアンガーデン/東京

